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Community Partners

Looking for help? Need a special service? Our comprehensive resource list offers contact information to hundreds of vendors, professional, businesses, services. From wheelchairs and durable medical equipment (DME) to service dogs and everything in between, we’ve got you covered. 

Equipment Share

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Find the equipment and supplies that you need in our Equipment Exchange. Open to our members only, we provide an opportunity for you to donate or access specialized items uniquely helpful to our community.

Set up an account to begin “swapping” today!

(Coming Soon)

Community Partners

Looking for help? Need a special service? Our comprehensive resource list offers contact information to hundreds of vendors, professional, businesses, services. From wheelchairs and durable medical equipment (DME) to service dogs and everything in between, we’ve got you covered.

Equipment Share

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Find the equipment and supplies that you need in our Equipment Exchange. Open to our members only, we provide an opportunity for you to donate or access specialized items uniquely helpful to our community.

Set up an account to begin “swapping” today!

(Coming Soon)


Knowledge is power. View our archive of educational videos and webinars on a variety of disability-related topics. These videos are developed and presented by our members, giving valuable, local perspective and insight.

Webinar 01 - Hurricane Preparedness

Webinar 02 - Employment

Webinar 03 - Bladder Management

Webinar 04 - Navigating Health Care

Webinar 05 - Joining a Caregiver Group with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 06 - The Caregiving Mindset with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 07 - Caring for Your Mental Health as a Caregiver with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 08 - Decision Making and Coping Skills with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 09 - Decision Making and Coping Skills with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 10 - Attendant Care with Julie Collins

Webinar 11 - Kitchen Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 12 - Bathroom Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 13 - Bedroom Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 14 - Laundry Room Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 15 - Outdoor and Gardening Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 16 - Independent Living with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 17 - pasticity with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 18 - Preventing and Managing Pressure Sores and Pain with Angie Square

Webinar 19 - Preventing UTIs with Angie Square

Webinar 20 - Skin Checks with Angie Square

Webinar 21 - Managing Body Temperature with Julie Collins

Webinar 22 - Basic Wound Care Tips with Julie Collins

Webinar 23 - Opening Arts and Minds with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 24 - Mental Health and Spinal Cord Injury with Members of USAH

Webinar 25 - Resilience with Cedric Bryant

Webinar 26 - Supporting Mental Health with Cedric Bryant

Webinar 27 - Beauty Routine with Julie Collins and Kim Ivory

Webinar 28 - Creating Art with Wes Holloway

Webinar 29 - Fishing with Chad Waligura

Webinar 30 - Going Out with Mildred Trejo and Chad Waligura

Webinar 31 - Hunting with Chad Waligura

Webinar 32 - Photography with Amanda Gilbreath and Chad Waligura

Webinar 33 - Racing with Brent Key

Webinar 34 - Recreation and Leisure with Members of USAH

Webinar 35 - Recreation Therapy with Emily Young, CTRS

Webinar 36 - Bladder Management for Sex with Cory Grandinetti, OTR

Webinar 37 - Body Mapping with Cory Grandinetti, OTR

Webinar 38 - Bowel Management for Sex with Cory Grandinetti, OTR

Webinar 39 - Dating and Sex with Kim Ivory, Mildred Trejo, and Brent Key

Webinar 40 - Introduction to Sex Toys with Cory Grandinetti, OTR

Webinar 41 - Long Term Relationship with Angie Square

Webinar 42 - Positioning for Sex with Cory Grandinetti, OTR


Knowledge is power. View our archive of educational videos and webinars on a variety of disability-related topics. These videos are developed and presented by our members, giving valuable, local perspective and insight.

Webinar 01 - Hurricane Preparedness

Webinar 02 - Employment

Webinar 03 - Bladder Management

Webinar 04 - Navigating Health Care

Webinar 05 - Joining a Caregiver Group with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 06 - The Caregiving Mindset with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 07 - Caring for Your Mental Health as a Caregiver with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 08 - Decision Making and Coping Skills with Tara Loud, LCSW

Webinar 09 - Decision Making and Coping Skills with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 10 - Attendant Care with Julie Collins

Webinar 11 - Kitchen Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 12 - Bathroom Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 13 - Bedroom Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 14 - Laundry Room Modifications and Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 15 - Outdoor and Gardening Equipment with Julie Collins

Webinar 16 - Independent Living with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 23 - Opening Arts and Minds with Christopher Sotelo

Webinar 22 - Basic Wound Care Tips with Julie Collins

Webinar 21 - Managing Body Temperature with Julie Collins

Webinar 20 - Skin Checks with Angie Square

Webinar 19 - Preventing UTIs with Angie Square

Webinar 18 - Preventing and Managing Pressure Sores and Pain with Angie Square

Webinar 17 - Spasticity with Christopher Sotelo

View Our List of Programs

View Our List of Programs

Contact Us

  [email protected]

Contact Us

  [email protected]